Governor Christie’s Department of Environmental Protection Transition Subcommittee Issued Final Report
Governor Christie’s Department of Environmental Protection Transition Subcommittee issued its Final Report on January 15, 2010. The Report calls for significant changes in policies and practices in order to meet three overarching goals: “1) accelerate improvements to the environment, 2) remove unnecessary obstacles to economic growth and 3) more effectively manage limited fiscal and human resources.” In order to meet these goals, the report recommends establishing clear department goals and performance metrics; reforming the regulatory regime to ensure legal compliance, scientific support and consideration of economic impact; streamlining the permitting process for land use; continuing advances initiated by the Site Remediation Reform Act; and establishing a comprehensive and stratgic approach toward natural resource stewardship. The report made other recommendations related to enforcement policies, regulations, promotion of “green” projects and budget and operations. Woven among a number of recommendations is a call for improvements in technology to facilitate transparency and efficiency.
The recommendations are ambitious, calling for redesigning the NJDEP in a way that will attract business investment, while improving and protecting human health and New Jersey’s environment.